The quality of our raw material comes from the vines, not the wine making.
Opening to biodynamics is first of all about observing, noticing and acting.
Some agricultural methods erode the soils and weaken them,
they stifle biological life regardless how important it is.
This observation led us to taking a stand and daring a disruptive move.
Since 1991, biodynamics is at the heart M. CHAPOUTIER’s philosophy.
Bio means « life ». Dynamic means « action ».
A battle summed up in these two words: life in action.
The battle of a man who wants to assert his convictions without paying attention to the trends.“I have always doubted classical and formatted education”. A battle of natural elements that work together. Chemical pesticides and herbicides are banned. We introduce natural elements (minerals, plants, animals) to preserve natural balances. The soil is fed with organic matter, thus it preserves bacteria which is the real “Mother” of the vine and will transform mineral into vegetal. This precious bacteria transmits the personality of the terroir to the vine and the wine. It is frequent to see Michel Chapoutier scrutinize the sky. Biodnamics is also about understanding the cycles of the Earth, the sun and the moon. From these observations we take crucial decisions: when to prune, when to harvest. Yields are respected and each terroir offers what its purest essence: its truth.