德沃 (Champagne Devaux)和米歇尔•莎普蒂尔(Michel Chapoutier)

这一切都始于劳伦•吉列( Laurent Gillet) 和米歇尔•莎普蒂尔(Michel Chapoutier)的相遇。这是香槟和罗纳河谷之间的碰撞,围绕着共同的价值观、对风土的尊重和开放的精神,这次相遇催生了一个大胆的想法,即创造一款具有伟大品质的稀有香槟,打造出单一而独特的年份最值得信任的形象。这一愿景- 捕捉一个季节的最佳形象-是Sténopé这个名称背后灵感的来源。此挑战在于,经历了一次又一次的采摘,它诠释了这个独特的季节,随着时间的推移,它揭示了该年份的所有个性,并将每位品酒师置于感官体验的核心。

"En Chanzeux" 2019: the culmination of the Coteaux Champenois Devaux & Michel Chapoutier
After their first collaboration with the cuvée Sténopé, Champagne Devaux and Michel Chapoutier present the red Coteaux Champenois "En Chanzeux". This new wine is the culmination of their Coteaux Champenois red project, which was developed over several vintages: 2015, 2017 and 2018.
From the plot of land in organic conversion "En Chanzeux" facing south and located on the terroir of Les Riceys, Michel Chapoutier, a great winegrower of the Rhone Valley, and Michel Parisot, Cellar Master of the Champagne Devaux House, have set themselves the objective of creating a Coteaux Champenois 100% Pinot Noir, without equivalent.